Culture & Values

Jesus invited the disciples to follow Him in faith and community before He asked them to believe. Jesus understood the importance of belonging. CNaz is a community where everyone is welcome, so we invite you to come and be a part of the community here. We laugh, we cry, we argue, we encourage, and we love one another. We aren’t perfect, but we’re a great place to grow. No one should do life alone, come find where you belong.
Jesus knocks at the door of our hearts and waits expectantly for us to answer and invite Him in. Our belief in Him and His teachings are our road map, not only to eternal life, but also to a life well lived. While believing is not a requirement for belonging to the community of our church, our desire is for you to come into a full understanding of who Jesus is, to have a life-altering, transformational encounter with Him, and to grow in the grace and knowledge of Christ.
Jesus desires a deeper walk with each of us. Jeremiah 29:11 promises that God has plans for us - good plans that will give us hope and a thriving future. Yet in order for us to receive the very best that God has intended we must learn to lean into our faith and rely more fully on Him. This includes reading and studying His Word, spending time in prayer, and actively serving one another as we work out our faith. Our desire is for you to find that special place where you can become more like Jesus and the very best version of yourself, and we want you to be close enough to hear Him whisper as He calls you on to the future He has planned for you.

Welcome to 2024, a new year of Responsive Faith at Carrollton Church of the Nazarene. We will be committing ourselves to praying with purpose, believing with confidence, and responding with eagerness to the hope we have found in Christ.
​As Paul was writing to the church at Thessalonica, he was remembering the responsive faith of the people after receiving the gospel. Paul was excited to learn the believers were so moved by their newfound faith that they were willing to go into their community to share the message of Christ with others.
In verse three of 1 Thessalonians Paul commends the church for their responsive faith.
remembering before our God and Father
your work of faith and labor of love and steadfastness of hope
in our Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Thessalonians 1:3)
First, they responded to the good news of Christ by accepting his message. Second, their labor prompted by love inspired them to take the good news to their community. They responded in faith by using their individual talents and moving outside the church to carry the message to those who needed to hear it. Third, their endurance inspired by hope helped them to face the harsh opposition and persecution of their day. This allowed them to fulfill their mission to share the gospel despite the obstacles.
Jesus also asks us to respond in faith to His call. We have a responsibility to take the message of good news to our community. Despite the obstacles we may face, we have a mission to share the truth and love of Christ with a lost and dying world.
I am praying we will all step outside of our comfort zones this year. I am asking the Lord to help us respond with the same eagerness of the church in Thessalonica, so that we can each leave a rich legacy of faith among our circles of influence.
Your work of faith, labor of love, and steadfast hope are evidence of a responsive faith. May we all cultivate such devotion, grounded in unwavering trust, selfless love, and enduring hope, as we journey together.