Thank you for your faithfulness and generosity
Special Service
of Praise and Thanksgiving
November 22, 2020
Lord, we come before you today with grateful hearts. We are full of wonder at your care and mercy. Thank you for loving us. Thank you for making a way for us to reach eternity. Thank you for washing us from our sins and making a place for us on the rolls of heaven. We rejoice that even while we were still sinners you loved us. Let us always be mindful of your sacrifice, your mercy, your grace, and your love for us. We have victory, not because of what we have done, but because of what you have done in and through us.
Lord, thank you for your faithfulness. You never leave us, you never forsake us. We can always rely on you and trust in your purpose and plans. You walk with us even through the very valley of death. You fortify us in the darkest hours. You give us renewed strength when we are weary, and you rekindle our hope and passion even when we face impossible circumstances. For you are the God who makes all things possible.
We are humbled by your love for us, for you love us beyond measure, and you are always faithful.
Lord, thank you that when you see us in bondage, you long to free us from the prisons we make for ourselves. You break through the chains that hold us back, chains of guilt, greed, suffering, loneliness, pride, and self-centeredness, and set us free to live lives of promise and purpose. You fill the empty places in our hearts with your light, love, and grace. You fill our days with joy and thanksgiving.
You take our weeping and give us reasons to rejoice. You, who came to set the captives free, have come and opened wide the windows of heaven. The promise of a new life, a new name, and a new beginning. Let us never forget how desperately we need you, and let us always be thankful for your grace, love, and sacrifice.
Thank you for walking beside us each day. For carrying our burdens, for healing our bodies, for restoring our hearts and minds. Thank you Lord for your protection, provision, and presence.
Father, let us not grow weary of doing good. For you promise that in due season we will see the blessing we have worked toward. You warn us that we will reap what we sow. Lord, help us to sow in righteousness, to plant seeds of hope, love, grace, and faith in our own hearts, and in the hearts of our children and community.
Help us to be a city set upon a hill that shines your light brightly and unapologetically. Let us live a life focused on you, and let us walk worthy, wise, and wide-awake. Let us be a beacon of your goodness in a world that needs you so desperately, so that others may see what we do and glorify you.
Lord thank you for the cross, for your willingness to pay the ultimate price to set us free. Help us to live lives surrendered to your purpose and plans.
Let us be like Paul who spoke your name with boldness. He was your bond servant, a prisoner set free. Thank you for breaking the chains that once imprisoned us. Chains of fear, and doubt, and shame. In return you give us hope, and mercy, and joy. We have so much to be thankful for. For health, for family, for friends, for a community of believers who love us and want the best for us. Father, strengthen the bonds of love that unite us as a family of believes and give us grace as we serve you and one another.